Thursday, April 21, 2005

Dictatorship of Relativism

The pope's idea of freedom is in conflict with modern secular thinking, which is relativistic, with no absolute truths. He will have a considerable challenge promoting his concept of human freedom, particularly in the West, where that view conflicts with current political and social thinking.

This quote from an editorial in today's Contra Costa Times took me aback somewhat, it makes it sound as though relativism is already the established mainstream view in "the West" today. The drift toward relativism is undeniable, and it has clearly attained the status of orthodoxy at most major universities (despite the apparent oxymoron of an orthodoxy of relativism). It may well be the dominant belief system in newsrooms and TV studios across the country.

But are most Americans today actually professed, practicing relativists? Have we really abandoned belief in any and all absolute truths? Somehow I doubt that Red State America, the slight majority of the country who voted for Bush last November, would agree with the statement that there are "no absolute truths."

And what about Blue State America? As a resident of the Very Dark Blue Bay Area I can attest that claims of absolute truth do make most folks around here mighty uncomfortable, but what then motivates their passionate beliefs? Why are they so strongly against the war in Iraq, oil drilling in the ANWR, and genetically modified foods, and so strongly in favor of stem cell research, gay marriage, and affirmative action? They generally claim that such beliefs derive from their deeply-held commitment to values like equality, diversity, civil rights, and environmentalism, and in most cases I take them at their word and believe they are fully sincere even when (as in the above examples) I disagree with the conclusions they reach.

Yet aren’t these values at some level absolute truths as well? If someone were to contradict these core values and say "the Earth is my trash can and I have a right to pollute it as much as I want to" or "people of my racial group are superior", precious few liberals that I know would respond with "everything is relative, you’re entitled to your view and I’m entitled to mine." No, most would say "you’re wrong" or "how dare you!" and possibly get very angry, because when it comes right down to it nearly all Americans still cling to certain absolute truths, whether they are fully cognizant of that fact or not.


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