Saturday, January 15, 2005

The Power of Words

A recent letter to the Catholic Voice reads:

Be careful with language

Janet, of Parents Right to Know, (Voice, Dec. 13) was allowed to refer to physicians as abortionists in her paid political advertisement. If persons who pay to advertise in The Catholic Voice are unable to adhere to standards of common courtesy, their advertisements should be rejected.

Civilized discourse must be the order of the day in a church publication.

Joyce Mitchell

The word abortionist quite simply means "one who performs abortions." It speaks volumes about the mentality of the pro-aborts that they would take great umbrage at such a plain statement of fact.

Perhaps it is because they secretly recognize the horrific, gruesome nature of abortion that they feel compelled to use the euphemisms of "choice" and insist that a word that describes what these physicians actually do falls outside the bounds of "civilized discourse."


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